Introducing a New Tool for Pastors, Chaplains, Christian Educators, and Other Ministry Leaders

Engage as a leader and learner in Christian community. Learn guiding principles, explore the theological framework of older adult ministry, read about best practices, and find examples to adapt for your setting.  


The 2024 Older Adult Ministries Planning Guide is available online. Members will receive print copies by mail in late March. Join or renew now to receive your free copy.


Need funding to jump start a new older adult ministry or to strengthen an existing activity? POAMN members are invited to apply for funds from our Opportunities in Older Adult Ministry program.


POAMN is the Presbyterian Older Adult Ministries Network, a network of persons who are engaged in ministry with older adults.

POAMN’s mission is educating and equipping leadership and aging congregations to promote and engage in activity, wellness, care, and social involvement. Our purpose is to educate, advocate, develop and share resources, and train leaders by raising awareness around issues facing those who serve older adults, and are older adults, all in a covenant relationship with the Mission Agency Board of the PC (USA).


Open to anyone who is promoting, stimulating, developing and advocating for older adult ministry


Please consider donating to POAMN to help further education and to equip aging congregations.


Keep up with what is going on at POAMN


Older Adult Ministry courses are open to participants from any denomination or faith tradition


Message us with any questions. We’re here to help.