The project must demonstrate application of the theory and practices learned during the four courses in the OAM Certificate program: the process of aging and implications for older adult ministry; teaching for transformation; theological reflection and affirmations and spiritual formation among older adults.
Projects may vary and may include compiling lists or local resources, describing a coordinated approach within a community to address an identified need, or designing a retreat, curriculum or single class on a particular topic. If a project entails designing a curriculum, retreat or similar group formation/education class, participants are encouraged to conduct a sample class and assess the experiences as part of the project itself.
Participants may register for the course when they have:
- Completed all four OAM courses ;
- Submitted a “statement to complete certificate” form;
- Confirmed a mentor/supervisor and
- Received preliminary approval of their project.
- Ordinarily discussions about the project and supervisor will occur as coursework progresses in conjunction with course leaders and OAM Advisory Group members.
Please contact Lifelong Learning at Columbia Theological Seminary 404-687-4577 or POAMN if additional support is needed to proceed.
Sarah Erickson
Lifelong Learning
Pat Baker
OAM Certificate Program Coordinator
Presbyterian Older Adult Ministries Network
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