Join one of 14 online learning small groups available this fall through the Office of Christian Formation to focus on and develop a particular area of your ministry.
A cohort is a group of 5-8 leaders that have a similar focus or interest in ministry development. Colleagues learn and support one another while identifying goals, challenges, and options for the future.
These cohorts are offered at no cost to church or worshiping community leaders to include educators, pastors, commissioned ruling elders (CRE), youth workers, and volunteers.
Cohort Options for Older Adult Ministry
The cohort options below may be of particular interest to those working in or getting started in Older Adult Ministry.
Becoming Intergenerational
Becoming an intergenerational church or faith community is more than offering programming. It’s about lasting relationships where mutuality and reciprocity are core. It takes time and commitment from the community. This cohort will have ministry leaders explore and share best practices, introduce resources and tools, share successes and failures, and set goals for their individual contexts.
Coach: Becky D’Angelo Veitch
Meetings: Wednesdays, October 11-November 15, 11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Eastern
Volunteers and Faith Formation Ministries
Are you an elder, a committee member or a dedicated volunteer in faith formation ministries? Discerning faith formation classes, opportunities and special events is different when they are volunteer led. Explore together what works for others, get support from other leaders, learn about resources and curriculum, and have an opportunity to connect with the larger church in this cohort.
Coach: Von Clemans
Meetings: Tuesdays, October 10-November 14, 8 – 9:30 p.m. Eastern
Older Adult Ministries in Small Churches
Often our small churches are made up of many older adults. There are a variety of opportunities and challenges in this setting. This cohort is for leaders or staff to engage in discussions around older adult milestones, ministries for aging well and new ideas in older adult ministries that keep in mind the context of a smaller congregation.
Coach: Sarah Erickson
Meetings: Thursdays, October 12-November 16, 2 – 3:30 p.m. Eastern
Each cohort is led by an ICF (International Coaching Federation) trained coach and meets over zoom for a designated number of sessions. Cohorts are a process of transformation in which you identify your goals, consider your challenges, explore your options, and create a plan of action to meet your goals.
Registration closes September 15, 2023; some cohorts will fill fast!