Opportunities in Older Adult Ministry Grants
If you are looking for funding to jump start a new older adult ministry or to strengthen an existing activity, POAMN members are invited to apply for funds from our Opportunities in Older Adult Ministry Grants. These $250 to $500 grants are designed to offer POAMN members an opportunity to initiate and build new older adult ministries, to re-imagine and re-shape existing programs, or to be innovative and experimental. Funds may be applied to a single event like a workshop or a recurring activity.
These grants generate an opportunity to think about the word “If”. “If” there existed some extra funding, what would be a project or activity that would benefit older adults in your congregation or faith community? “If” there was seed funding available, could your older adult ministry make an impact on the greater community?
These grants recognize POAMN’s commitment to support older adult ministry in congregations and faith communities. Grants are designed to encourage creative leaders and to inspire bold new ways of doing ministry. The applications are uncomplicated and will be processed in a timely fashion. For additional information contact Chris Pomfret.

Grant Guidelines and Qualifications
Who May Apply: Individual and affiliate members of POAMN, and designated representatives of organizations who are members of POAMN.
Grant Range: $250 – $500
Timelines: Projects should be completed within 1 year
Deadline: Revolving, as funds remain available. Requests are due the 1st of any month will be taken under consideration by the grant committee. Recipients will be notified (approved or not-approved) by the 30th of that month.
- Completion of application including project budget, time frame, amount requested, description and purpose of program or ministry, target beneficiaries, purpose of grant
- Brief description of evaluation plan
- Commitment to share info about your program through POAMN media platforms
- Plans of what will happen with the project after POAMN grant is no longer available, if any.
- Build intercultural bridges
- Plan intergenerational ministries
- Organize community nutritional workshops
- Study a topic like end-of-life decision-making
- Plan a mission trip or activity
- Organize retirement workshops
- Focus on a timely issue such as dismantling structural racism
- Support caregivers
- Teach seniors about technology
- Offer a craft, art, or religious arts course,
- Make church facilities older adult friendly
- Support front-line workers
Not Funded: Ordinarily, grants will not be awarded for equipment and technology for individuals, but will be considered for equipment that congregation or faith community may use to specifically equip or benefit older adults. Funds may be awarded to obtain leadership, tutorials, curriculums, and study materials which will help train senior adults use and understand equipment and technology.