By Quentin Holmes
Times change, and so do each of us. To be more efficient and relevant, POAMN is moving to a new structure for our board and organization. As part of this change, the board also revised our bylaws, which date back a number of years. Members were briefed on the changes and revised bylaws during a called meeting on April 16, 2024.
The process begin in February, when a five-person team spent three days in Louisville conducting a free-ranging discussion of POAMN’s current challenges and opportunities. Funding for this strategic exercise was provided by the PC(USA) Office of Christian Formation.
The strategic team consisted of Cindy Wright, Zeena Regis, Rev Denise Shannon, Bill Wildey, and Chris Pomfret. Stephanie Fritz in the Office of Christian Formation served as an enabler for the team.
Their starting point was discussion of four key questions:
- What do older adult ministry leaders need?
- How does POAMN (currently) support leaders?
- Who are older adult leaders?
- What do older adults need?
Next the strategic team identified POAMN’s gaps and priorities. Gaps included increasing awareness of POAMN and older adult-related resources and helping to develop older adult leaders.
The group recommended priorities for moving POAMN forward. Education, training, connections, and partnerships were at the top.
To better address these priorities, POAMN will launch a restructured leadership team on June 1. This will include four officers: two co-moderators, a secretary, and a treasurer. Instead of committees, there will be four work groups formed, the leaders of which will also serve on the board. The work groups are Education, Resources, & Training (with two leaders); Connectivity (with two leaders), and Partnerships (with one leader). In addition, POAMN will continue to staff a part-time organizational support team member.
POAMN is accepting applications for the board positions. An initial review of applications will begin May 8. Appointed individuals will start their terms June 1.