– Recommendation by Gloria Sannermark
Recently, a woman grasped my hand after church with an urgent question. “Our world is a mess. What can we do?” she implored.
As a parent, grandparent, and retired pastor, I share her concerns.
Biblically, we older ones are not off the hook to spend down our resources and have fun as retirees. Instead, we are commanded by God to continue impacting our world by leaving a legacy of children and grandchildren raised in faith.
After my interaction with the concerned woman, I read a book that gave me hope. “Biblical Grandparenting” by Dr. Josh Mulvihill is a valuable resource to help older adults continue shepherding their families.
Dr. Mulvihill reminds us that if we can’t change the world at the White House, we can begin changing it at our house.
Consider suggesting this book or the topic of involved grandparenting to a group in your congregation.
This article originally appeared in the 2024 Older Adult Ministry Planning Guide.