– Recommendation by Cindy Wright 

“Standing on the Promises,” a familiar hymn, leads the reader into a ‘hits close to home’ introduction of Jane Thibault’s purposeful book. She begins by compiling fears she heard often during her 30 years of conversations with senior adults. Following this is a thoughtful list of “just a few of Christ’s gospel promises for those of us who have fears about aging.”

Gerontologist, social worker, counselor, Jane Thibault addresses both these fears and the responses, or promises of the gospels, that give the assurance of God’s constant love and desire to provide us with abundant life both now and forever. She examines the promises and discusses their strong message of hope for later life. Each chapter offers “Food for Thought and Talk” questions for personal reflection or group discussion.

This book is easy to dig into and sparks thought and discussion on important issues for senior adults who are looking to make the most of, and enjoy, God’s gift of a long life. It also is available in an enlarged print edition, an added bonus for your senior adult book group!

This article originally appeared in the 2024 Older Adult Ministry Planning Guide.