POAMN President’s Reflections
The theme of the Autumn 2023 edition of PNN is “To do justice, love kindness and walk humbly with God.” My thoughts when pondering this were around the humbling parts of my volunteer work at my church as the director of older adult and caregiver ministries. When I looked up the spiritual meaning of humble, the definition says “you aim to continually listen, receive, and respond with generous openness to life from the deep conviction of God’s loving kindness and goodwill.”
In recent months I’ve had several members and their families reach out to me for guidance in their future planning. Even though I realized that any decision was going to come from the older adults themselves and their current or future caregivers, I was happy to share my expertise and brainstorm with them on their future plans. I did a lot of listening, offered some possible resources, but felt I was mainly there as “new” ears to hear their concerns and help look for solutions. It was truly a humbling experience in each case.
Fall is almost in the air in Georgia. It has peaked through a few days, but then we go right back to summer temperatures, which makes me yearn for fall even more. It is truly my favorite season of the year. When my husband and I lived in Texas and Oklahoma, I fondly remembered Georgia, my home state, in the fall and was thrilled to return to enjoy that season of the year again. May fall this year bring the beauty of reds, golds, yellows, and oranges and crisp cool weather to you and your loved ones.
Pat Baker
President, POAMN