As I was pondering about someone I knew who was bringing forth fruit in old age, it crossed my mind: What about me?
I retired from the Las Vegas School District at the age of 60, and I had been taking classes to learn about working with seniors because I knew that was what I eventually wanted to do. I was also wrapping up a six-year term on the Board of Deacons at our church, having served as moderator for the last four years.
Upon retirement from my job, I emailed the pastor about seeing a need to give extra attention to our oldest members in addition to what was provided by their deacon. Within months, I was in a volunteer staff position as director of senior adult ministry.
Three-and-a-half years later, the church changed my position to director of congregational care and put me on as paid staff. Now I serve all ages, but since our church is probably 80-90% seniors, I continue to work mainly with older people. These past nine years have been the absolute best! I count my blessing every day and feel positive I am doing exactly what God needs me to be doing at this stage of my life.
I do not remember anything being mentioned in the Bible about retirement. I think we are meant to help and serve others for as long as we possibly can. Maybe, without even realizing it, YOU are also an example of someone who exemplifies bringing forth fruit in old age.
Linda Rauenbuehler
POAMN Membership Chair
Membership Renewal for 2023
If you have not already done so, please renew your membership for 2023. A membership application/renewal form is available on our website. You may mail a check or pay online through PayPal.
Your membership dues help POAMN produce this newsletter, as well as conferences, events, and our annual older adult ministry planning guide. A complementary members-only print copy of the guide was mailed in March. We’ll mail you one also when you renew. Help POAMN continue connecting people who have a passion for working with, and enabling, older adults. Thank you for renewing today.